“A pânza pina u’ s rasòna mej”

(proverb in romagnol dialect: With a full stomach you can think better)

Like real people from Romagna, we can only adore the good cuisine, but most of all we love to make from the mealtimes an important moment of joy and sharing, where you can laugh and talk together without any problem while tasting the good food.

To make the mealtime one of the most desired ones, we give to all the prepared plates a particular attention, personally taking care of all the dishes.

Every morning after your wake up, an always delicious fresh breakfast buffet awaits you, to give you a good start of the day. Our strongest point is for sure the traditional cuisine. We adore to serve grandma’s old receipts the ones we enjoyed when we were young, and that now are also appreciated by our guests.

The steady attention for our dear friends, certainly cannot fail at the table, every day indeed it’s possible to choose between 2 typical menu’s and a vegetarian one just to satisfy every necessity. Furthermore, all the fruits and vegetables we use, absolutely come from biological farming, that guarantees authentic and quality flavors.


In Romagna the small bag is the shopping bag, the one you then reuse to carry around what you need, including something good to eat.
And starting from the name of this object, so useful and versatile, at Villa Rosa we thought we would offer you an additional service, a takeaway lunch that can fill your days with taste and we called it A-Sportina.
Do you want to have lunch under the umbrella, in the garden or lying on a lawn during an excursion?
Choose what you like most from our A-sportina menu every day and book until 10am on the same day.
We will prepare our appetizing A-sport for you, which will follow you wherever you go, making you lick your chops.
Unique and fresh dishes, vegetarian, stuffed piadina, cold pasta, risotto and everything else our imagination will invent for you!


If you really liked what you ate with us and want to take a piece of Romagna home with you, then all you have to do is buy cheeses, piadina, wine, coffee in our market, in short, everything that will make you remember us at home